How to Measure Customer Experience to Make Your Marketing Better

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I got a chance to go on one of my favorite podcasts this week - The Scrappy Entrepreneur Podcast! If you haven’t had a chance to listen to this incredible content, you’re definitely in for a treat. Paula Y’s been a mentor of mine for a long time, and she continuously provides ideas and incredible stories from entrepreneurs and founders across all walks of life.

Paula reached out to talk about podcasting, and we quickly worked into a really great discussion about the importance of customer experience market research within the worlds of marketing and business. You’re definitely going to enjoy it!

Listen to our talk about Customer Experience Research below.

To listen to our incredible conversation, hit the Play button below!

Be sure to check out all of Paula’s incredible episodes of The Scrappy Entrepreneur Podcast!

My experience with customer experience.

I’ve always been a fan of measuring customer experience. The concept makes sense - we’re measuring the entire process behind the hows and whys of why people are doing business with us.

I mentioned this in the interview, but there’s a great series of stats about the value of customer experience measurement from a study by Watermark. In that study, we learned that companies who vehemently measure and plan for customer experience in their business processes over-perform competitors who don’t by about 60 points.

That’s pretty huge!

Think about any time you’ve had a great experience at a business, as well as the terrible times too. How does that impact your decision to continue doing business with that business?

The same is true on the macro level, and we see through data that measuring these factors plays a hugely important role within the marketing process.

How to measure customer experience now.

Measuring your audience’s experiences with your business can start right away. You simply need to start asking questions.

Consider sending out surveys to your entire customer base, or simply emailing your top 10 and bottom 10 customers (however you define that) and asking them the following simple questions:

  • What’s your favorite part about doing business with me?

  • What’s your least favorite part about doing business with me?

  • What do you hope to achieve with my products or services?

As simple as this process might sound, the insights you’ll receive from just a few emails will most likely be groundbreaking. And, when you apply them to your business, you’ll begin to see how the impact of these changes have grand effects on your overall business.

One more option…

If you’re still unsure how to put a customer experience plan into place for your marketing clients, feel free to shoot me an email! I’d be happy to a free consultation to help you get started!


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